2016 m. lapkričio 20 d., sekmadienis

Version 11. adaptation for the SMD HW version of the device (v.11.0.2) (Arduino IDE v.1.6.x or higher)

This is an upgraded Arduino sketch for the newly released (Nov. 2016) SMD based hardware version

One preset for  NEC mini iR remote:

(for those who use other development environments or want to upload with the XLoader, utility here is a compiled hex file with preset for the NEC iR remote protocol
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hb5i3vb9lyb4oa0/GeigerKit_v11_0_2_nec_progmemfix_One_Button_2.hex?dl=0 )

One preset for SONY iR remote protocol:

(for those who use other development environments or want to upload with the XLoader utility, here is a compiled hex file with preset for the Sony iR remote protocol:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/999srak0y1jt4ex/GeigerKit_v11_0_2_nec_progmemfix_One_Button_2_Sony.hex?dl=0 )

Arduino libraries are here (don't forget to add them to you Arduino IDE libraries):


The new board is driven by a 10MHz crystal. Please add a new board to your Arduino IDE.
Instructions how to add this board to your Arduino IDE using the Boards Manager  can be found here: https://github.com/impexeris/Arduino-Geiger-PCB/wiki

note2: Arduino IDE version higher than 1.8.12 doesn't alow to choose the programmer for burning bootloader so please use 1.8.12 or previous version if you need to do that.

You can buy the new SMD based Geiger counter electronics on eBay here:


2016 m. liepos 11 d., pirmadienis

Optiboot bootloader for Atmega328P driven by 10MHz crystal 115200 bps 8N1



I have recently compiled an Optiboot bootloader for the Atmega328P MCU driven by the 10MHz crystal and working at 115200 bps baud rate (8N1).

Instructions how to add this board to your Arduino IDE using the Boards Manager  can be found here: https://github.com/impexeris/Arduino-Geiger-PCB/wiki

More about the Optiboot boot loader can be found here:
and here:

2016 m. birželio 29 d., trečiadienis

An impressive and inspiring design of the equipment based on the SBT11-bundle kit by Steffen from Moosburg (Germany)

Personally to me it is one of the most impressing and professional equipment designs based on the 
SBT11 kit . So much attention to detail, functionality and usability. Please take your time to enjoy these inspiring pictures!

2016 m. birželio 10 d., penktadienis

Nuclear Radiation Survey Meter in the new factory made quality ABS plastic enclosure (phased out)

This enclosure which was designed for the "through the hole" geiger kit which I was previously selling on eBay. If you need same type of enclosure for the current - SMD version please check here:


2016 m. kovo 18 d., penktadienis

A new (à la Vindolin's ) 3D printable enclosure for SBM-20 tube on thingiverse.com (thing number 1422928)

Recently several nice 3D-printable enclosures for geiger counters have appeared on thingiverse.com  so if you are a 3D printing enthusiast and have a 3D printer it might well be of an interest.

Here is one more interesting one (thing number 1422928) which is for the kit with  the LCD shield . It is designed by the thingiverse.com user glassy.

This enclosure is remixed from the user Vindolins design which was originally for si29bg Geiger-Müller tube) (thing number 270764) and is for the SBM-20 tube

This enclosure also has holes for installing the power-switch, mode change button, SBM-20 tube "grill" and iR receiver window.  It also has a channel to insert the wire, which will connect one of the SBM-20 tube contact - so you will only need a clip (usually a 6mm fuse clip) to connect another contact.

Also user glassy  has designed an SBT9 tube adapter (thing 1397200) for the Vindolins enclosure 

A newly designed 3D printable enclosure by RadioNuclei95 on thingiverse.com (thing number1418799)

Recently several nice 3D-printable enclosures for geiger counters have been designed and shared on thingiverse.com  so if you are a 3D printing enthusiast and have a 3D printer it might well be of an interest.

Here is the one (thing number 1418799) which is for the kit without the LCD shield (where the LCD is connected by multi-wire cable). It is designed by the thingiverse.com user RadioNuclei95 .
The enclosure was originally designed by the user for two tubes SBM-20 which is installed inside and there is a hole for connecting SBT11 probe  externally.

Below is the SBT11 probe (thing number 098311on thingiverse.com )designed by the RadioNuclei95