2017 m. rugsėjo 25 d., pirmadienis

Enclosure for 3D printing for geiger with SBT-11 or SBT-11A tube

this is a new modification of the enclosure for SBT-11 / SBT-11A geiger tubes

Files can be downloaded for printing from 

If you nee the enclosure (just the enclosure with the power button, front protective cap and serial connector openning cap)

you can buy it by pressing on this button here
(note - the shipping price will automatically be presented during the purchase procedure) :

if you would like the complete geiger counter with the SBT-11A tube in this enclosure, mini iR remote for adjusting settings and the USB adapter for connecting to the PC, you can get it right here by pressing the button below this text:
(note - the shipping price will automatically be presented during the purchase procedure) :

Update: the protective cap

Cap-betas-shield and cap for custom shielding for SBT-11

designs have just been added to GitHub

Heres an interesting enclosing solution by Daniel from Czech Republic

Daniel managed to fit everything -  electronics, SBT11 pancake tube and even 9V battery in to this small - only 12 cm long enclosure!  Wonder how it looks like inside. Thank you for sharing the pictures Daniel!

2017 m. rugsėjo 16 d., šeštadienis

Here's a truly exciting dosimeter-radiometer project with the Arduino IDE compatible easy DIY Geiger nuclear radiation counter kit at its heart by Oleg for your enjoyment

Oleg from Russia, has used the enclosure of the old (hand-dinamo powered) geiger detector DP-62 to build this exquisite almost hermetically sealed and solar rechargable dosimeter/radiometer.

Here are his photos for your enjoyment and stimulation of fantasy, as well as a short Oleg's description in Russian below the pictures:

Наконец, мой проект закончен!
Благодаря Вам теперь у меня есть нормальный дозиметр в, пусть старом, но
добротном и герметичном армейском корпусе ДП-62, теперь не боязно по нашим горам гулять.

Ну хочется похвастаться.

Перепаял все кнопки(вынес наружу), (https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/1PC-Metal-Button-Switch-panel-hole-10MM-2A-36VDC-self-locking-3pin-soldering-IP65/32795709708.html )

Задействовал штатные окошки для самой трубки(закрыто слюдой для бэтты).

Перенёс светодиоды под штатные глазки(под линзой в центре- индикация пролёта гамма-кванта, красный глазок- аларм).

Там же под линзой рядом с жёлтым светодиодом и ИК-диод для настроек с пульта Сони.

Ли-ионник 16340 1000 мА/ч  https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/In-stock-2Pcs-Newest-3-7V-1000mAh-CR123A-16340-Li-ion-Rechargeable-Battery-Newest/32754684239.html

 , солнечная панель(https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/0-8-Watt-5-5V-solar-panel-Laminate-solar-cells-High-quality-High-Efficiency-2pcs-lot/551858947.html?aff_platform=aaf&cpt=1500412534192&sk=zj6qB6AIM&aff_trace_key=4da50ae661cc483a9b65c1cf60bc089b-1500412534192-07264-zj6qB6AIM), ламинированная полиэтиленом(царапиностойкая),

плата контроллера заряда аккумулятора.https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/6W-5V-UPS-mobile-power-Diy-Board-Charger-Step-up-DC-DC-Converter-Module-for-3/32790658678.html

Панель и кнопки посажены на полиуретановый шовный клей-герметик JetaPro5593.

В пути :
Винт Адаптер Женский 1/4 мужчинами 3/8 для Штатив Монопод

Так как сам монопод для использования в режиме поиска на штанге (
https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/Telescoping-Extendable-Stainless-Steel-Monopod-Pole-Handheld-Hold-Grip-Tripod-Mount-Selfie-Stick-for-GoPro/32727991816.html?aff_platform=aaf&cpt=1500413081666&sk=zj6qB6AIM&aff_trace_key=cbc06ab40ea1475ca3d0e02d1d71f275-1500413081666-05625-zj6qB6AIM )

(как ДП-5) уже пришёл

Ну, а Вам, просто спасибо! Я теперь готов к "зомби-апокалипсису" :)

If your Android phone has an iR transmitter you can use this free app from the Android App store with the smd geiger board programmed to work with Sony iR protocol

If your Android phone has a iR transmitter you can use this free app from the Android App store:

When you install this app then download this custom remote file with your phone Internet browser:

 and open it (when asked which app to use for opening it choose the app you you have just installed)

note: the above custom remote file is when firmware which is configured to work with Sony 
 system remotes uploaded (this is the default configuration of firmware for boards in this listing)

2017 m. rugsėjo 3 d., sekmadienis

A new contact socket for Si-8b (Си-8б), Geiger-Müller tubes

Original contact sockets for Si8b (Си-8б) Geiger-Müller tubes are rather rear and quite expensive.
So here is the 3D printable one. Printed with PLA filament on a 3D printer and equipped with factory made contacts. It has an in-printed marks of Anode (+) and Cathode (-) for easy connection

If you like/need one you can buy it instantly by clicking on this PayPal  "Buy Now" button.

The .stl file for printing can be downloaded here:

If the above design appeared useful, you might wish to show your appreciation by making a donation  by pressing on the below button: