2013 m. birželio 9 d., sekmadienis

How to simply add the 38kHz iR receiver to the already assembled LCD shield (i.e. where the LCD is already mounted and soldered on)

To add the 38kHz iR receiver TSOP 4838 (you can search it on eBay using keyword TSOP4838),
you need to:
- bend the VCC and GND pins and cut the Output pin leaving approximately 5 mm;
-  install the device as shown in the below picture (note that it should be installed on the bottom side of PCB and in the orientation shown on the picture) and solder it in; 
-  take the one pin straight header, remove the plastic part off and solder it in just in front of output pin (solder on the bottom side of the PCB). Solder the output pin to the one-pin header;
- connect the VCC pin with the leg of the contrast potentiometer as shown on the picture using isolated piece of wire);
- scratch the protective paint OFF and solder in the wire bridge as show  in the picture.

Now you can upload version 10.1.1 of the software and use the Sony type remote to control the menu.

Click on the picture to enlarge

D.I.Y. geiger counter with v.10.1.1 with iR remote controllable menu

D.I.Y. geiger counter with v.10.1.1 with iR remote controllable menu.
menu can be controlled with a Sony type TV remote control.
optionally it is possible to change settings to Philips remote system.
Also any universal or multisystem iR TV remote, which can emulate Sony
or Philips systems can be used.

the biggest advantage of the menu system is, that parameter changes (such as changing CPM to uSv ratio for another tube) can be done without connecting the device to computer and no reprogramming is necessary.

2013 m. birželio 5 d., trečiadienis

Version 10.1. adaptation for the LCD shield (v.10.1.1)

 v.10.1.1 - adaptation modifications are listed below:
PIN definitions are adapted to work with LCD shield as follows:
#define BUTTON_PIN        11  (in v.10.1 was 10)
#define ALARM_PIN         10  (in v.10.1 was 15)
#define NULL_BTN_PIN      15  (in v.10.1 was 11)

 simplified serial port output to work with freeware Radiation Logger software by radiohobbystore:
 is now configured to be the default output changable back by menu (note: use of menu needs connection of IR receiver)
 If you want CPM, [dose unit], Vcc to be the set as output format during the RESET_ALL (i.e. when the #define RESET_ALL true) find and change the line in Menu from:
 back to:

The modified sketch can be downloaded here
Libraries can be downloaded from here